Here's an email I received from Kimberly on 6-14-06
Ok Folks,
I have not written anything lengthy in awhile. So I am going to make up for it now!
The "Lenawee Artists of All Ages" is up and running. Next weekend is the Maple City Fest and here is a list of events:
Thursday, 22nd, 6-8pm: Downtown Architectural Tour-space limited, sign up at the gallery
Friday, 23rd, 10-6pm: Childrens Art Activities-activities start around 11 and go to about 3pm
Saturday, 24th, 9-11 am, Historical Adrian Architectural Tour (sign up is same as above), 11-2 pm Desert Reception.
If you can help out for any length of time on any of these days, please contact me via e-mail or phone.
Next, Our next show is called" Over The fence" Its all about the Negro Baseball league that was here in Adrian. there will be speakers, memorabilia vendor and of course an artist who works in portraiture.
At our board meeting we voted in changes and restructuring of the 2007 calendar. It is roughly set as follows:
Jan, 11-Feb 17th "Can Do" - A community Service project/show with emphasis on food for the hungry.
March 1 - April 7 "New Work" - Same format as always (member show)
April 19 -May 5 "County High School Show"
May 10-June 14 "Spotlight Show" - this is a 3 member show. Anyone interested in being a part of the show would need to submit images to the gallery by the last week of the box show, the juror of the box show would then pick out of all submitted, the chosen three would then curate their own show together. A prospectus will be available as we get closer.
June 12-July 19 "Lenawee Show" -Same format (Member Show)
July 26- Aug 25 "Relay for Life" (Non-Members) Show of survivors of/relatives of/Art of cancer
Sept 6- Sept 27 "Box Show" Same format, only length has shortened to two weeks.
Oct 14-Nov 5 "Recycle Show" (Non Members) In conjunction with Tyreee Guyton at Adrian College
Nov 15-December 23 "Holiday Show" Same as always
If there are any questions about specific shows, let me know.
We have agreed to allow non-members to show for a nominal fee of $20 per show. They would not be members, but we would request they sit at least one time if they show. This rate would be reduced to $10 for students.
It has been suggested and agreed upon that using the gallery for art classes when we are not open would be something we should come these things don't dawn on us earlier???? If you would like to teach a class, contact Christine Marsh, or myself via e-mail.
In an effort to streamline duties and alleviate stress on committee heads, we have decided to create "Teams". These groups of 4or 5 people would share the workload of a particular task throughout the year. We have some teams forming and would like more participation and people to sign up. They are as follows:
Membership Coordinator: They will handle any newsletters, membership updating, mailings: Janet graham and Jennifer Melms are currently signed up
Installations: they will coordinate with the committee heads the hanging and takedown of each show: kathy Tice Taylor and Jill Shaffer have signed up for this so far.
Education: They would organize the classes and teachers etc: Christine marsh has volunteered for this so far.
Receptions: They would coordinate and set up receptions for each show: Marjorie Castle and Emily Kackstetter have signed up so far.
Media Relations: They will be responsible for getting out press releases, via telegram, Access, radio etc..Cathie royer, Mary Martin and Heidi Spence have signed up so far.
Financial committee: These people help to raise funds/sponsors for the shows. Lad Strayer, Kris Schmidt, Greg DuMars, Lee Lewis Walsh and Jennifer Melms have already formed and started this group.
community Liason: This team would need to find out from various groups what is going on and when so that we maybe able to better coordinate events with what is happening in the community. We currently have no one signed up.
Grant Writing committee: This team would start the grant writing process in order to get funding. No one has signed up as of yet.
NEXT...Adrian Area Chamber of Commerce downtown has wall space (approx 10x7) they would like to put art on a rotating basis. If you would like to put your work on the wall let me know. The space requires both large and small pieces, two people could team up as well. More info? let me know.
Another thing, June 27th, at Mr.Ed's at 6:15pm is the members committee next meeting regarding the Box Show. be there if you want input.
Currently, an international Festival is in the works and planned for the same day as our auction. They have asked for our help, but it is very short notice. I will have more info as we investigate it further.
ALSO, ZANTA, a womans service organization is hosting an Art Gala Auction on Sept 9th. They will also have a silent auction-like a pre-auction, of a few f our boxes. They are collaborating with us to help drive up both of our organizations. If you have a piece of art you would like to donate to their auction, please let myself or Jill Shaffer know.
AND FINALLY...Yes there is a light at the end of this e-mail...
Bud Gale and his son Tim will be having a two man show at the Adrian Public Library. I do not have exact dates, but know that the reception will be on Sept 20th. I will ask Bud to send me more info...Bud can you send me more info? Thanks.
Marjorie Castle has been selected as Artist of the Month in Jackson! You Go Girl!!!
If I have missed anything, as always, someone will let me know!
have a good day!
Kimberly (my fingers are bleeding) Myers-Pinkel