Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July/August Members' Exhibition

Current Members' Show will close on August 21 (Friday) with a reception from 5 to 8 p.m. You'll take your work home with you at 8:oo p.m. (You can also pick up your work during gallery hours, noon - 4, on Sat., Aug. 22.) Please come and enjoy!

We really need someone to be the point person for this reception.

After a decade of organizing almost every reception we've had, Marjorie would like to "retire" (and she will be up north for this one). Thank you, thank you, Marjorie, for doing this all these years!

She has graciously shared her list of folks who can be counted on to donate, so this only requires some emailing and/or phone calls and being at the gallery at 4 pm on Aug. 21st to set up. Members are gracious about donating--we have a bunch of cooks and wine afficianados in this group--and about helping with clean up/pack up.

The Sitters' Schedule has been updated and is visible in the post below this one (It's Alive!). We have some near term gaps--please look and see if you can help. For this show, I'm happy to update and correct the blog. Email me at

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