Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Bathroom Renovation


Myself and Chris Graham are meeting at the gallery on Tuesday, January 15th at 5:30 pm to run a water line to the bathroom sink.  If you would like to help out please stop by.  Here is a list of things that needs to be done if you want to help.

1.  The back closet needs to be cleaned out completely.  Stuff either needs to go to the basement or thrown away.  If you can do this before the 15th our work will go quicker.

2.  The front closet needs to be cleaned out completely.  I have been tearing out some drywall and have made a mess of it.  When the drywall is patched and painted we'll move the stuff back.  It can be relocated to the gallery floor since we have no exhibits in January.

3.  The walls in the gallery could use some serious sanding...not hand sanding....power sanding.  If you're interested and have a power sander then please go for it...I have one if you want to borrow it.

4.  There are two areas in the front closet that need drywall replaced....small patches approximately 14x24.  If you have any spare drywall, tape and mud we need some.  But, this must wait until after we install the water lines.

5.  When all the drywall is patched we'll need somebody to paint.  Got any spare white paint at home sitting on a shelf?  We need some.

6.  Janet will be repainting and putting in a new tile floor in the bathroom after the water lines are installed.  If you're interested in helping her with that please let her know.  grahams4@tc3net.com

7.  We wont get everything done in one night.  I'll be in and out of there a few times next week.  If you want to go on your own time.....let me or Janet know and well give you the door combination.


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