Sunday, November 23, 2008

Photo Tours at Ives Road Fen (Nature Conservancy)

LCVA members have been granted a rare opportunity to photograph Spring ephemera and butterflies at the Ives Road Fen which is just south of Tecumseh.  Nature Conservancy volunteer, Chuck Pearson will lead the tour through the fen. For information about the Nature Conservancy and the Ives Road Fen click here.

Photo Tour at Ives Road Fen (Nature Conservancy)
May 16th, 10 am - Spring ephemera
August 8th, 10 am - Butterflies

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Lenawee Magazine, Fall 2008

It was a pleasant surprise this afternoon to see the beautiful face of my good friend Patricia Deere on the cover of Lenawee Magazine.  The feature is titled, "Working in Glass, Inside the studios of three Lenawee County glass artists".  The artists include Patricia Deere, Lorenzo Christaudo, and Craig Weatherby.  Wait a minute...there's more!  local artists Janet Graham, Dennis Swartzlander and Dan Newland are featured in the "talk of lenawee" section.  The Lenawee Magazine is just what our county needs.  It's nice to see our county featured in a positive light for a change.  Bravo Lenawee Magazine!  And, thanks Lad Strayer for the beautiful photos.  

For more information about Lenawee Magazine go to


Sunday, November 02, 2008

90th Annual Toledo Area Artists Exhibition

If you have not been to the Toledo Museum of Art lately, now is the time to go.  A few local artists have some work in the 90th Annual Toledo Area Artists Exhibition.  Specifically, they are John Wittersheim, James Freeman and Budd Gale.  I just went today and the exhibition is spectacular.

For more information please go to 
The show runs from Oct. 25 to January 4th in the Canaday Gallery.