We have a committee working on a very special fundraiser during the Spotlight Exhibition. It will be formal and fun. I always look forward to the updates from the planning committee.
I'm pretty certain the Box Show Fundraiser will be replaced with something new. Janet has some great ideas bouncing around in her head.
We're going to start exhibiting artwork at the Image Gallery starting in January.
We've planned a very special exhibition at Hidden Lake Gardens this coming Spring. HLG is taking care of everything....advertisements, mailings, and reception. All we have to do is supply the art. I'm really looking forward to this event.
And, don't forget the annual Art-a-licious Festival. The 2008 festival will be bigger and better. We perked a lot of interest with this event. It's a BIG event that takes a lot of hard work and time to plan and prepare for. If you are interested in helping out please contact Pi Benio at pbenio@adrian.edu
We're also going to try something that I'm pretty sure has never been done before. We're planning an exhibition of Adrian College Students AND Siena Heights University students. We're calling it the College Town Show.
As you can see we've got some exciting events on the horizon. I'm pretty excited about 2008. I think you're going to like what we have in store for you.
Gregg Perez
LCVA President