Reception - Friday, December 1, 4-8 pm, Tea Party reception before the Croswell's Beauty & the Beast Show.
Winterfest Activities - Saturday, December 2,
12 - 12:45 pm, "How They Celebrate" - learn about Christmas and winter festivals in other parts of the world.
1-3 pm, Children's Activity: Families make holiday ornaments reflecting symbols and colors of festival traditions.
The Holiday Salon Show and Sale is sponsored by Boldt and Maloy PC.
Note: We are still accepting work for this show. All work is for sale and can be taken at the time of purchase. So if you have extra work please feel free to bring it to the gallery.
Gallery Sitting- If you are interested in gallery sitting please see the Gallery Sitting Schedule.
Future Shows- For future shows in 2007 please see 2007 Show Calender.